Graduate Certificate in AIG

The Graduate Certificate in AIG provides a consistent, cohesive structure for teachers seeking to add on the North Carolina Standard Professional 1 (SP1) AIG Professional Educator’s License. This certificate will allow candidates to apply for positions to work with AIG students as a classroom teacher, curriculum coach, co-teacher, or district coordinator. The 4-course sequence is designed to be very practical for teachers who are seeking to learn about or deepen their understanding of the nature and needs of gifted students and how to effectively design appropriately challenging curricula. Certificate courses focus on training teachers specifically to understand and respond to the academic, social, and emotional needs of gifted students. The four graduate certificate courses form the content and conceptual foundations upon which the M.Ed. in AIG program builds.

Please enjoy the following video about our program!

Overarching Program Goals

The content and goals of the AIG graduate programs are aligned to the CAEP Standards for Advanced Programs (2016) and the NAGC-CEC Teacher Preparation Standards in Gifted Education (2013). They also prepare educators to meet the North Carolina Academically or Intellectually Gifted Program Standards (2015).

Goal 1: Candidates will demonstrate an understanding of the cognitive, social, and emotional characteristics of students with gifts and talents (CAEP 1.1; NAGC-CEC Standard 1; NCAIG Standard 2).

Goal 2: Candidates will design original, creative, and appropriately challenging lesson plans that infuse research-based differentiation principles and recommended teaching-learning models for gifted education (CAEP 1.2; NAGC-CEC Standard 3 and 5; NCAIG Standard 2).

Goal 3: Candidates will select, utilize, and justify data-based assessments to inform instructional practices when working with students with gifts and talents (CAEP 1.2; NAGC-CEC Standard 3 and 4; NCAIG Standard 2).

Goal 4: Candidates will apply technology to design and deliver student-centered learning activities that are appropriately challenging for students with gifts and talents (CAEP 1.5; NAGC-CEC Standard 5; NCAIG Standard 2).

Goal 5: Candidates will collaborate and communicate professionally to create differentiated curriculum and disseminate advocacy materials related to students with gifts and talents (CAEP 1.1; NAGC-CEC Standard 6; NCAIG Standard 2 and 4).=

For more information about our Graduate Certificate in AIG program, please explore the links on this website or go to our UNCC Distance Education website to apply:

Here is a video that will walk you through the steps to complete the application:

Questions may be directed to Dr. Michael Matthews:

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Dr. Nan Lujan, UNCC AIG Adjunct Professor, and 2018 AIG Graduate Certificate candidate, Jessica, at the 2017 NAGC Conference in Charlotte.